Hur säkerställs det att vi får rätt doser vid medicinering? - VD för Pharmacolog AB

fredag 26 januari 2018 12:00-13:00, Hava skafferi & salonger Svartbäcksgatan 19 75332 Uppsala


Pharmacolog AB – based in Uppsala, Sweden – specializes in providing quality assurance solutions for safe administration of medical drugs. The company was established in 2007 by Hans Dahlin and the late Kjell Westerlund.

Pharmacolog’s long term vision is an individual patient-centered approach, where all available parameters are considered in the selection and distribution of intravenous medication and where the medication is checked and adjusted throughout the treatment depending on the patient state and response.

Pharmacolog AB develops solutions and products that can prevent drug administration errors reaching the treated patient. The company’s lead product, DrugLog®, focuses on the quality assurance in drug administration